The first art collection by Natsumi Sato, a popular illustrator with approximately 190,000 followers on social media, who has captivated many fans with her “peloringirl” series.
Featuring around 150 illustrations with 90’s-inspired pop colors and the motif of “girls sticking out their tongues,” this book includes client work and original pieces. It also features rough sketches, a special interview, and a making-of section.
● Contents
– Rough Sketch
– Interview
– List of Artworks
Category:Japanese Illustration Book
- Pages:
- 176
- 9784867910078
- Release Date:
- June, 2024
- Language:
- Japanese
- Publisher:
- Two virgins
Author profile
Natsumi Sato
ILLUSTRATOR. The “peloringirl” series, featuring a girl sticking out her tongue with vibrant colors reminiscent of the ’90s, is currently being promoted.
In addition to advertising illustrations, the illustrator is actively involved in various collaborations with apparel brands, designing artist jackets and merchandise, and creating animated music videos.
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