The Best Masterpieces of 100 Eshi Ver.3 – 2017

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In the third volume of the “100 Artists” series, The book has selected 100 artists who we can confidently say are the best of the current illustration scene in 2017. The content is more diverse in genre than the past two, and the variations in style can be enjoyed even more.

The printing is as close as possible to the vividness on the monitor using the “Brilliant Palette®” high color rendering printing solution, so you can enjoy the luxurious use of color and brushwork of the 100 illustrators.

[Cover illustration (drawing)]
Range Murata

[Illustration drawn] (in no particular order, titles omitted)
Kana Ishida / wataboku / Yuko / Henreader / Danmil /
Nanawa Rei / apapico / 456 / Hami / Sonomura / Haato /
Dark brown / Nanakawa / DOMO / Yatomi / Daisukerichard / enj! / Takehana Note / Jean Popo / Potato

[Published author] (titles omitted)
456 / Waka Aokawa / Sui Aoto / Akima / apapico /
Kana Ishida / Yasutaka Isegawa / Someday / Imoni / Yusuke Iwasa /
Zerogo Iwamoto / Uichi Ukumo / U35 / Senbon Kaijima / ERIMO /
LM7 / enj! / Oguchi / Kaomin / Kazuki Yone /
Kazuharu Kina / Ame Karasuha / Kinako / Yosai Kuchu / Kusakabe /
Kujo / CHRIS / Gemi / Keito Koume / Coffee aristocrat /
Dark brown / Kanata here / Shunsuke Saito / Shion / Shikimi /
Shizumayoshinori / Nanawa Ryo / Jean Popo /
shirakaba / sukabu / Makoto Maezaki / Sonomura /
Daisukerichard / Takehana Note / Tamaki /
DANGMILL / DS Mile / TCB / Tiv / Posuka Demizu /
DOMO / Q7 / Jiro Tomioka / Tridamono / Hinata Nakamura /
Nanakawa / Nishi / Nihohe / Nekosuke / After /
PiNe / Hasha / Hanekoto / Haneko / Hiko / Hiten /
Secret Sato / Booota / Fuumi / Fori / Shark Fin /
Fuzichoco / Ryo Fujiwara / Snake Tsukai / Henreader /
pomodorosa / Horizumi Inco / Haruka Makida /
Hiromi Matsuo / Maruino / Mika Pikazo /
Taro Mino / mujiha / Range Murata / Yatomi / Yu /
Yuko / Yuno / Yo Shimizu / Night Train / Seiji Yoshida /
Mai Yoneyama / loundraw / lack / Ryota-H / Reia /
redjuice / robamoto / wataboku / wataboku


The Best Masterpieces of 100 Eshi series

Release Date:
August, 2017

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