This is the third installment of “Background Illustration and Scenes from Anime and Manga Works” that introduces creators who draw emotional landscape works and their works! In the third installment, they will introduce 33 creators who draw nostalgic landscapes and their works.
Take a look at the many works that impress your heart, such as the cityscape dyed in the sunset and the classroom after school, which are like a cutout of a nostalgic everyday scene that everyone has passed by.
At the end of the book, there is also an illustration making by illustrator Gemi who worked on the cover illustration.
*Both Japanese and English
“Background Illustration and Scenes from Anime and Manga Works” series
Beautiful Scenes from a Fantasy World – Background Illustration and Scenes from Anime and Manga Works
¥2,860 -
Everyday Scenes from a Parallel World – Background Illustration and Scenes from Anime and Manga Works
¥2,860 -
Retrospective Scenes from a Sentimental World – Background Illustration and Scenes from Anime and Manga Works
¥2,860 -
Mysterious Scenes from a Dark Fantasy World – Background Illustration and Scenes from Anime and Manga Works
Category:Japanese Illustration Book
- Pages:
- 160
- 978-4756251268
- Release Date:
- November, 2018
- Language:
- Japanese
- Publisher:
- PIE International
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