The year 2023 marks the 70th anniversary since the master cartoonist Leiji Matsumoto made his debut in “Manga Shonen” magazine. To commemorate this, the entire story of “QUEEN MILLENNIA,” a work that exploded at the height of the Matsumoto anime boom, has been compiled into two volumes, upper and lower, in a special limited edition with a collection of color illustrations in a beautiful decorative box.
The color pages have been newly edited with reference to the shades of the time. The drawer pinups are also reprinted as the 2023 edition, and the B5-size illustrations can be enjoyed.
The illustration book is full of valuable color illustrations, from the illustrations for the announcement of the theater version to cuts newly drawn in 2019.
The article pages are also substantial. Special interviews feature Keisuke Fujikawa, a leading screenwriter and novelist in the world of Japanese science fiction, and Katsumi Itabashi, who worked on the mecha design for the anime 1000 Year Queen.
Here is the shocking behind-the-scenes story of how “QUEEN MILLENNIA” was adapted into an anime when the serialization had just begun. (In Japanese)
- Pages:
- 1086
- 978-4091793867
- Release Date:
- February, 2023
- Language:
- Japanese
- Publisher:
- Shogakukan
Author profile
Leiji Matsumoto
Born January 25, 1938 in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture.
In 1954, “Honeybee Adventure” was published in the February issue of “Manga Shonen” as the first Rookie of the Year award-winning work, and made his debut in his magazine.
Moved to Tokyo in 1957. After he was active in girls’magazines, he moved to boys’ magazines from around 1960.
In 1968, he serialized “Sexaloid” in “Manga Goraku dokuhon” and he entered the youth comic magazine. The following year, he gave birth to his enthusiastic fans in the “Four-Dimensional World Series” serialized in “COM.”
After that, based on his experience of boarding house life, he will serialize “Otoko Oidon” in “Separate Volume Manga Action” and “Weekly Shonen Magazine”.
He eventually made his popular explosion by drawing science fiction such as “Space Battleship Yamato”, “Galaxy Express 999”, “Space Pirate Captain Harlock”, and “Queen Millennia”. All of these works are animated.
In 1972, “Otoko Oidon” was awarded the 3rd Kodansha Publishing Culture Award for Children’s Manga, in 1978, “Galaxy Express 999”, “Battlefield Manga Series” was awarded the 23rd Shogakukan Manga Award, and “A series of SF series”. Received the 7th Japan Manga Association Special Award.
He received the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2001 and the Order of the Rising Sun in 2010.
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