NEW PIXEL ART – Cover Illustration APO+

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This book compiles the works of 34 artists who are pioneering the forefront of pixel art.

Pixel art, a technique that emerged and evolved alongside the development of video games, is now widely known as “pixel art” and encompasses various styles. Freed from the constraints of computer performance, such as resolution and color depth, pixel artists continue to expand the expressive possibilities through their unique interpretations. This book captures the works of 34 artists who are continuously pioneering this forefront of pixel art.

In addition to the supervision and cover illustration by APO+, the book includes a dialogue interview with APO+ and art critic gnck, as well as making-of content for illustrations created specifically for this book, documenting the “now” of pixel art in what is truly a “New Pixel Art” volume.

Cover Illustration: APO+ / Dialogue Interview: APO+, gnck

[List of Featured Artists] *Titles omitted, in alphabetical order
asaha / APO+ / m7kenji / Oyuzaki / Kaiye / Kauzer / Kurakari / Cure Moto / Sato Oyasumi / sanaenvy / Yusuke Shigeta / 6VCR / Shibucha / ZiMA / Shiros / Setamo / Zennyan / Todoruka / Nanami Yuki / Narume / Hako Seikatsu / Hattori Graphics / BAN8KU / Hermippe / Hotel New Teikoku / mae / Miyatori Oil / MEI / Mokuya / Motocross Saito / mol / YACOYON / Yamada Taro (Junichiro Sasaki) / waneella

Release Date:
December, 2023

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