In the 1960s, Makoto Wada, an illustrator from the rookie era, worked with Shinichi Hoshi, Shuntaro Tanikawa and other members to create a complete reprint of all 7 private picture books!
Makoto Wada is an active illustrator, graphic designer, essayist, songwriter, and film director. Mr. Wada, who co-authored with Shinichi Hoshi, Shuntaro Tanikawa, Yoshitomo Imae and others in 1963–1966 during the newcomer’s era, published a total of seven legendary <private edition picture books>, limited to several hundred copies. We carefully reproduced the original bindings and bindings and reprinted all at once!
It is stored in a makeup box designed by Mr. Wada, and a 16P fully written and written essay booklet is also included. The fantastic world created by unique stories and wonderful pictures is a gem box that children and adults can get excited and read.