Approximately 1500 color schemes are posted, including combinations of 2 to 4 colors and design examples.
Designed a popular masking tape brand “mt” Colored book by iyamadesign.
In this book, themes are classified according to images such as pop and software, seasons such as spring, summer, autumn and winter, and events, and colors according to hues, and color schemes are created in accordance with 110 frequently used keywords.
Approximately 1500 color schemes are posted, including combinations of 2 to 4 colors and design examples.
The tips for choosing colors are also explained, so it can be used as a reference when creating other color schemes.
For each color, the numerical values of CMYK used for printing, RGB used on the monitor, and Web color used on the web are listed.
If you enter the value, you can create a nice color pattern immediately.
Category:Japanese Graphic design Book
Tag:color, color palette, color scheme
- Pages:
- 288
- 978-4802511452
- Release Date:
- January, 2020
- Language:
- Japanese
- Publisher:
Author profile
A design office represented by Koji Iyama, art director. He is involved in the design of various companies and brands, including the mt. He has also won numerous overseas design awards such as NY ADC and D & AD.
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