The Beautiful World of Beaded Bags – A collection of the finest Japanese bead embroidery

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Introducing a collection of beaded bags, a traditional craft that flourished in the Showa era. The intricate brilliance of these bags, rooted in Japanese embroidery techniques, earned them the title of “portable jewels.”

The History of Japanese Beaded Embroidery / What is “Japanese Beaded Embroidery”? / Japanese Embroidery and Beaded Bags / About Japanese Embroidery / Encounter with Beaded Bags

**Chapter 1: The World of Beaded Bags**
Floral Patterns / Modern Patterns / Geometric Patterns / Monochrome Patterns / Japanese-style Patterns / Beaded Embroidery Artists

**Chapter 2: Beaded Embroidery Practice Guide**
Tools for Beaded Embroidery / Frame Setup / Drawing the Design / Starting with Point Stitching / Securing Beads – Straight Lines / Finishing with Point Stitching / Stitching Beads – Curved Lines / Filling Surfaces / Stitching Circles / Preparing for Couching – Unraveling Bundled Beads / Basics of Couching / Couching – Turning Corners / Couching – Long Straight Lines / Finishing Touches / Special Techniques / Beaded Bag Repairs

**Chapter 3: Showa-era Kimonos and Beaded Bags**
Complementing Kimonos and Bags / Showa-era Fashion and Beaded Bags

**Chapter 4: Corporate Initiatives**
BIITO / Rurikei Studio in Kyoto / Beads Jewelry Natio

Release Date:
September, 2024

Author profile

Keiko Nitanai

Originally from Kyoto Prefecture, she is a fashion researcher and veterinarian. In 2009, she established the “NPO Kyoto Antique Fabric Preservation Society” to manage her grandfather’s kimono collection, which he had amassed while running a shipping business in the early Showa era. Since then, she has exhibited the collection at venues such as the Kobe Fashion Museum and the Osaka Museum of Housing and Living. Her beaded bag collection is based on items owned by her mother. In 2021, she became a founding member and director of the “Showa Kimono Appreciation Society,” which studies kimono collections from the Showa era, particularly post-war. Her approach to kimono research emphasizes interviews and is known for its scientific, data-driven analysis.

Keiko Nitanai’s books


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Weight 801 g

Keiko Nitanai


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